IT Salary Survey Purchase Options

You can order the IT Salary Survey for an individual city or for all of North America (Canada and the United States) with or with out data in Excel sheet format and with or with full multipage job descriptions for the positions surveyed.  Or you can order the survey as part of our IT Resource Hiring Kit with full job descriptions for all positions in the Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide.

Learn how your company compares in the area of compensation.

The Janco Associates, Inc.  salary survey draws on data collected throughout the year by extensive internet-based and completed survey forms sent to businesses throughout the United States and Canada.  Our database contains over 50,000 data points.

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IT Salary Survey Purchase Options

IT Median Salaries

IT Salary Survey Compare Historical

The compensation study (over 160 pages in PDF or WORD and EXCEL with the data) can be ordered here.

Order IT Salary Survey Download IT Salary Survey Summary

If you  do not want to purchase the full salary study, you can get just the data for a particular city for a fraction of the cost of the full study.  Just  click here to see all the cities covered or select your city for the order page.

The positions that have the greatest change in demand are listed below.  The positions that show an increased demand tend to have significantly higher offering salaries.  This in turn, inflates the level of compensation for individuals who remain in those existing positions. 

In those positions that are facing decreasing demand, increases in compensation are normally based on “time-in-grade” or tenure within the enterprise.


Positions with
Increased Demand
Low Lay-Off Potential
Low Outsourcing Potential

Positions with
Decreased Demand
High Lay-Off Potential
High Outsourcing Potential

Large Enterprises

VP - Chief Information Officer (CIO)
VP – Information Services
Director IT Planning
Manager Operating System Production
Manager Production Support
Computer Operations Shift Supervisor
Project Manager Systems
Supervisor Network Services
Voice/ Wireless Communications Manager
Data Security Administrator
Database Specialist
Internet Developer
Software Engineer


VP Administration
VP Consulting Services
Technical Specialist
Senior Network Specialist
Supervisor Micro Computer Support

Mid Sized

VP - Chief Information Officer (CIO)
VP Consulting Services
Manager Database
Manager Quality Control
Manager Security and Workstations
Computer Operations Shift Manager
Project Manager Network Technical Services
Capacity Planning Supervisor
Data Entry Clerk
Data Security Administrator
LAN Application Support Analyst

VP – Security (CSO)
Manager Data Communications
Data Entry Supervisor
e-commerce Specialist
Network Control Analyst

Order IT Salary Survey Download IT Salary Survey Summary


The IT job market shrank dramatically after the dot com bubble burst.

Historic IT Job Market Size

Updated with current data
Recent IT Job Market size
For current data go IT Job Market Size to see the historic job market growth trend detail data

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Information Technology Sector includes: software publishers, telecommunications, data processing, hosting and related services, internet publishing, broadcasting, web search, and portals.  Manufacturing Sector includes: peripheral equipment, storage devices, broadcast and wireless communication, audio and video equipment, and semiconductors.

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