Project Manager Job Description
Project Manager Job Description - What is a Project Manager? What are the project manager's responsibilities and what role does he play? The answer is as varied as the the number of projects that exist within the enterprise. For example from the Interent and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide® the "Project Manager Applications" is responsible for overseeing the transaction processing group within technical support. This group is responsible for the enterprise database systems and transaction processing systems that form the basis of our computer systems. This responsibility includes transaction processing security, resource monitoring and reporting, and the development of specialized programs. The Project Manager Applications coordinates transaction processing software issues with other IT organizations including applications and operations.
IT leadership has always been important, but given the challenges facing higher education, it is essential for not only cost-effective operations but long-term strategic success.
The job descriptions contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuide® are all in a standard format and are available as in PDF and WORD .docx formats. All of the
job descriptions were reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and the
ISO 27000 security standard. The latest version of the HandiGuide was completed in 2010 and
is over 650 pages in length. The Internet and IT Position Descriptions
HandiGuide includes sample
organization charts, a job progression matrix, and the 324 job descriptions. The book also
addresses Fair Labor Standards, Sexual Harassment, the ADA, and is in a new easier to read
Each job description meets ADA standards and the position description is delivered in electronic format - WORD which is editable and PDF which is printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional required. Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Best Practices - Resume Screening
- Best Practices - Phone Screening
- Hiring Guide
The position include all of the functions within the IT group. They include:
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Small Enterprise
- Chief Security Officer (CSO)
- Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- Director Electronic Commerce
- Directory Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
- Director Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
- Manager Data Security/Special Project Supervisor
- Disaster Recovery Coordinator
- Internet/Intranet Administrator
- Manager Metrics
- Metrics Measurement Analyst
- Manager Wireless Systems
- Webmaster
- PCI-DSS Coordinator
- Programmer
- Project Manager
- Object Programmer
- Unix System Administrator
- Windows System Administrator
Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide®