Enterprise Architecture Job Description Bundle Released
Focus for the Recovery
Park City, UT - Janco Associates has just released a job description
bundle for Enterprise Architecture. The bundle contains 17 job
descriptions. Victor Janulaitis the CEO of Janco said, "As the economy
starts it path to recovery many enterprises are looking towards
Enterprise Architecture as an approach that will put them in a great
position to leverage their IT investments."
Janulaitis added, "Enterprise Architecture has become a common practice for large IT organizations. For the first time there is a methodology to encompass all of the various IT aspects and processes into a single practice. However, realizing the full potential of enterprise architecture can be challenging. There are many aspects to enterprise architecture, including architecture planning, governance, taxonomies and system development methodologies, all of which impact its success. Without the right guidance, tools, frameworks, process, policies and procedures enterprise architecture can quickly become unwieldy."
The Enterprise Architecture Job Description Bundle contains 17 multi-page job descriptions in Word (2003 and 2007) and PDF formats. The job descriptions included are:Vice President Strategy and Architecture, Chief Information Officer- CIO, Chief Information Officer – Small Enterprise - CIO, Chief Compliance Officer - CCO, Chief Security Officer - CSO, Chief Technology Officer - CTO, Manager Change Control, Manager Competitive Intelligence, Manager Database, Manager Enterprise Architecture, Manager Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, Project Manager Enterprise Architecture, Capacity Planning Supervisor, Change Control Supervisor, Database Administrator, Enterprise Architect, and PCI-DSS Coordinator.