Value of a Computer Science Degree
Is there a good rate of return on the time and effort to get a Computer Science Degree - Which schools are the best?
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As high school graduates evaluate whether they should good to college, which schools should they go to, and the majors they will select Computer Science is many of their minds. The question is whether it is worth it.
Software development and computer science are constantly accelerating into the future; yesterday is obsolete, tomorrow is arriving. Getting a Computer Science degree helps an individual to develop a mastery of this highly fluid environment; embracing new programming languages, architectures and paradigms in order to create applications for advancing code architectures. During the process of getting the degree they achieve a deep understanding of, and facility with, advancing software paradigms as they develop new ways of creating and interpreting data to generate robust, effective applications.
Going to the right school helps to maximize the value of the education. In a recent study the true return on investment was calculated.
Top 10 Universities to Maximize the Investment in a Computer Science Degree
Target IT Jobs
As individuals focus on getting the Computer Science degree, they should also see what the requirements are for each job with the IT function. In the HandiGuide each job description meets ADA standards and the position description is delivered in electronic format - WORD (.docx) which is editable and PDF which is printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional requirements. Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Best Practices - Resume Screening
- Best Practices - Phone Screening
- Hiring Guide
- Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form)
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You can purchase this book as a PDF Book, Word Book or as individual word files for each Job Description which makes for easier modification. We have also combined the both book formats with the individual word files for each job descriptions to give you the best of both worlds.