Job Description
Over 331 Complete Job Descriptions in WORD
Over 300 detail job descriptions for enterprises of all sizes are available. They can be purchased individually or in bundles.
Several preset bundles are listed below:
Enterprise Architecture Job Description Bundle
Enterprise Architecture has become a common practice for large IT organizations. For the first time there is a methodology to encompass all of the various IT aspects and processes into a single practice. However, realizing the full potential of enterprise architecture can be challenging. There are many aspects to enterprise architecture, including architecture planning, cloud computing, governance, taxonomies and system development methodologies, all of which impact its success. Without the right guidance, tools, frameworks, process, policies and procedures enterprise architecture can quickly become unwieldy.To support enterprise architecture many of the key positions have to assume new roles and responsibilities. The 18 job descriptions below have been modified to reflect these new requirements are are a must for any enterprise that is moving in direction of enterprise architecture.
E-Commerce, Wireless, & Internet Management Job Description Bundle
E-commerce, wireless and Internet
activities now take up over 50% of the focus of the IT function. There are
new positions and new responsibilities for existing positions. The need to
have up-to-date job descriptions is required to meet the objectives of both
industry standards and mandated requirements.
The job descriptions in the e-Commerce, wireless, and Internet job descriptions bundle have been developed to meet those needs. Each job description has been reviewed with PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and ISO in mind. Industry experts agree that these job descriptions are the most comprehensive ones available today. In addition to being practical and easy to use, they meet the needs of industry standards and requirements.
Disaster Recovery Planning Management Job Description Bundle
Preparation for Disaster Recovery / Business
Continuity in light of SOX has two primary parts. The first is putting
systems in place to completely protect all financial and other data required
to meet the reporting regulations and to archive the data to meet future
requests for clarification of those reports. The second is to clearly and
expressly document all these procedures so that in the event of a SOX audit,
the auditors clearly see that the DRP exists and will appropriately protect
the data.
The processes of Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) impact many areas within the enterprise. A number of members of the IT function have direct input into Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning are members of the DRP and BCP team and as such their job descriptions reflect those specific responsibilities.
IT Service Management Job Description Bundle
ITSM is process-focused and in this sense has ties and common interests with process improvement movement frameworks and methodologies. The discipline is not concerned with the details of how to use a particular vendor's product, or necessarily with the technical details of the systems under management. Instead, it focuses upon providing a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interactions of IT technical personnel with business customers and users.
ITSM is generally concerned with the "back office" or operational concerns of information technology management (sometimes known as operations architecture), and not with technology development. For example, the process of writing for sale, or designing a microprocessor would not be the focus of the discipline, but the computer systems used by marketing and business development staff in software and hardware companies would be. Many non-technology companies, such as those in the financial, retail, and travel industries, have significant information technology systems which are not exposed to customers.
- Chief Expereince Officer
- Digital Brand Manager
- Director e-Commerce
- Director Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
- Manager Change Control
- Manager Customer Service
- Manager Customer Service Center
- Manager Customer Site Support
- Manager Help Desk Support
- Manager KPI Metrics
- Manager Metrics
- Manager Quality Control
- Manager Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
- Manager Service Level Reporting
- Manager User Support
- Capacity Planning Supervisor
- Change Control Analyst
- Change Control Supervisor
- Help Desk Analyst
- Help Desk Technician
- Key Performance Indicator Analyst
- Metrics Measurement Analyst
- Quality Measurement Analyst
KPI Metrics, Service Level Agreement & Outsourcing Job Descriptions
IT organizations turn to outsourcing in order to reduce costs,
to offload application maintenance, offload help desk operations, or obtain
expertise. The typical outsourcing engagement is governed by a contract
setting the terms and conditions between the client and outsourcer for the
duration of their relationship. To measure whether that relationship is working,
and how well, Service Level Agreements are established.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a critical component of any outsourcing project. It defines the boundaries of the project in terms of the functions and services that the service provider will give to its client, the volume of work that will be accepted and delivered, and acceptance criteria for responsiveness and the quality of deliverables.
At the heart of an effective SLA are performance metrics and they are driven by key members of the IT staff. The tasks associated with that are included in the job descriptions in this bundle.
Security Management Job Description Bundle
Modern organizations have a huge challenge on their hands, on a
scale unlike anything they have seen. They must “secure” the organization in the
face of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and interconnection brought about by
an unprecedented reliance on technology to accomplish their mission. They must
also stay mindful of the regulations as legislators discover the importance of
security. Some of the challenges that organizations must overcome to be
successful in this environment are based on the roles that individuals within
the enterprise play.
These job descriptions defines ways in which a change in responsibilities are the impetus for an emerging mission-driven approach to security.
Salary Survey Job Description Bundle ( link to detail page )
Whether employer or employee, it is important to know what other companies are paying in total compensation for a similar position in your area. Learn how your company compares in the area of compensation. This is a complete set of the job positions surveyed in the IT Salary survey
Executive Management
VP - Chief Information Officer , VP - Chief Security Officer, VP - Consulting Services , VP - Information Services, VP - Technical Services , Director - IT Planning, Director - Production/Data Center, and Director - Systems & Programming
Senior Management
Manager - Computer Operations, Manager - Microcomputer Technology, Manager - Network Services, Manager - Operating Systems Production, Manager - Production Services, Manager - Production Support, Manager - Systems and Programming, Manager - Technical Services, Manager - Training and Documentation, Manager - Transaction Processing, and Manager - Voice and Data Communications
Middle Management
Capacity Planning Supervisor, Change Control Supervisor, Computer Operations - Shift Manager, Computer Operations - Shift Supervisor, Database Manager, Data Communications Manager, Data Entry Supervisor, Information Center Manager, Lead Customer Service Manager, Office Automation Applications Manager, Production Control Specialist, Production Services Supervisor, Project Manager - Applications, Project Manager - Distributed Systems, Project Manager - Network Tech Svc, Project Manager - Systems, Supervisor - Hardware Installations, Supervisor - Microcomputer Support, Supervisor - Network Services , Voice Communications Manager, and Web Analyst
Change Control Analyst, Computer Operator , Data Center Facility Administrator, Data Entry Clerk, Data Security Administrator, Database Specialist, Disaster Recovery Coordinator, e-Commerce Specialist, Forms and Graphics Designer, 4th GL Specialist, Hardware Installations Coordinator, IT Planning Analyst, LAN Applications Support Analyst, Network Control Analyst, Network Services Administrator, Network Technician, Operations Analyst, Personal Computer Specialist, Production Control Analyst, Programmer/Analyst, Senior Network Specialist, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Systems Programmer, Systems Support Specialist, Tape Librarian , Technical Services Specialist, Technical Specialist, Voice Communications Coordinator, and Webmaster
Full Set Internet and IT Job Descriptions
All of the 331 job descriptions have been reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, GDPA, CCPA, Cobit, and the ISO 27000 security standard.
IT Executive Management
The executive management positions including:
Chief Information Officer (CIO), CIO - Small Enterprise (CIO), Chief Security Officer (CSO), CCO - Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, CTO - Chief Technology Officer, CDO- Chief Digital Officer, VP Administration, VP Consulting Services, VP Human Resources, VP Human Resources, VP Information Services, VP Strategy & Architecture, VP Technical Services
IT Senior Management
The senior management positions including
Director Business Applications, Director Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, Director Electronic Commerce, Director Enterprise Architecture, Director Information Technology. Director IT Deployment, Director IT Infrastructure, Director IT Management And Control, Director IT Planning, Director Media Communications, Director Production Services/Data Center, Director Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, Director Systems And Programming, Director Systems, Director Technical Services, and Director Telecommunication Services
Manager Accounting for Information Technology, Manager Administration and Facilities, Manager Application Development, Manager Applications, Manager Application Technology, Manager Availability/Automated Operations, Manager Business Development, Manager BYOD Support, Manager Change Control, Manager Cloud Applications, Manager Competitive Intelligence, Manager Computer Operations, Manager Contracts and Pricing, Manager Controller, Manager Customer Service, Manager Customer Service Center, Manager Customer Site Support, Manager Data and Systems Engineering, Manager Data Communications, Manager Data Security, Manager Data Warehouse, Manager Database, Manager Disaster Recovery, Manager Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, Manager Enterprise Architecture, Manager Facility and Equipment Support, Manager Help Desk Support, Manager Human Resources, Manager Information Architecture, Manager Internet - Intranet Activities, Manager Internet Systems, Manager ISO Implementation, Manager Media Library Support, Manager Metrics, Manager Microcomputer Technology, Manager Network and Computing Services, Manager Network Services, Manager Office Automation Applications, Manager Operating Systems Production, Manager Operations Support, Manager Output Processing, Manager Outsourcing, Manager Payroll System, Manager Personal Computing and Office Automation Support, Manager Planning and Integration Services, Manager Point of Sale, Manager Production Services, Manager Production Support, Manager Property Management, Manager Quality Control, Manager Record Administrator, Manager Re-engineering, Manager Safety Program, Manager Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, Manager Security and Workstations, Manager Service Level Reporting, Manager Site/Shift Operations, Manager Site Management, Manager Site Software/Device Services, Manager Software Engineering, Manager Store Systems, Manager Systems Software, Manager Systems And Programming, Manager Technical Services, Manager Telecommunications Installation and Maintenance, Manager Telephone and Wireless Services, Manager Training and Documentation, Manager Transaction Processing, Manager User Support, Manager Vendor Management, Manager Video and Website Content, Manager Voice and Data Communications, Manager Voice/Wireless Communications, Manager Waste Management, Manager Web Content, and Manager Wireless Systems.
IT Middle Management
The middle management positions including:
Accounting Supervisor, Assistant Controller, Capacity Planning Supervisor, Change Control Supervisor, Contract Management Administrator, Communications Administrator, Computer Operations Assistant Manager, Computer Operations Assistant Supervisor, Computer Operations Shift Manager, Computer Operations Shift Supervisor, Customer Service Coordinator Lead, Customer Service Supervisor, Data Communications Assistant Manager, Data Entry Supervisor, Database Administrator, Desktop BYOD Support Supervisor, Disaster Recovery/Special Projects Supervisor, Hardware Installation Supervisor, Information Center Manager, Microcomputer Support Supervisor, Network Services Supervisor, PCI-DSS Administrator, Procurement Administrator, Production Services Supervisor, Project Manager Applications, Project Manager Distributed Systems, Project Manager Enterprise Architecture, Project Manager Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Project Manager - Implementation Deployment, Project Manager Network Technical Services, Project Manager Systems, Project Manager – Training, Record Management Coordinator, Supervisor POS, Supervisor POS Training, Supervisor Safety Program, System Administrator, System Administrator – Lead, System Administrator – LINUX, System Administrator – UNIX, System Administrator – Windows, Voice Communications Manager, Waste Management Coordinator, Webmaster, and Word Processing Supervisor.
IT Staff
The staff positions including:
4th GL Specialist, 4th GL Specialist Senior, Account Representative, Accountant, Accounting Analyst, Accounts Payable Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Audio Visual Technician, Business Analyst, Business Services Analyst, BYOD Support Specialist, Change Control Analyst, Cloud Computing Architect, Competitive Intelligence Analyst, Computer Equipment/Network Analyst, Computer Operator Junior, Computer Operator, Computer Operator Lead, Customer Account Manager, Customer Service Coordinator, Data Analyst, Data Center Facility Administrator, Data Entry Clerk, Data Security Administrator, Database Specialist, Desktop Specialist, Desktop Technician, Disaster Recovery Coordinator, E-Commerce Specialist, Enterprise Architect, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Architect, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Business Analyst, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data Architect, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Decision Support Analyst, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Developer, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Functional Lead, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Infrastructure Administrator, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Master Data Analyst, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Process Owner, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Security Administrator, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Security Analyst, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Subject Matter Expert, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Team Lead, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technical Lead, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Trainer, Executive Secretary, Forms and Graphics Designer, Hardware Installation Coordinator, Help Desk Analyst, Help Desk Technician, Human Resources Generalist, Human Resources Specialist, Internet Developer, Internet/Intranet Administrator, Information Technology Associate, IT Planning Analyst, Key Performance Indicator Analyst, LAN Applications Support Analyst, Librarian, Maintenance Contract Administrator, Media Librarian, Metrics Measurement Analyst, Network Administrator, Network Control Analyst Assistant, Network Control Analyst, Network Engineer, Network Security Analyst, Network Services Administrator, Network Specialist, Network Technician, Network Specialist Senior, Object Programmer, Object Programmer Senior, On-Line Transaction Processing Analyst, Operations Analyst, Operations Analyst Senior, Operations Training Coordinator, Pandemic Coordinator, PCI-DSS Coordinator, Personal Computer Specialist, Planning Integration and Control Administrator, POS Coordinator, POS Hardware Coordinator, POS Senior Coordinator, Print Operator, Procurement Assistant, Procurement Coordinator, Production Control Analyst, Production Control Analyst Senior, Production Control Specialist, Programmer/Analyst, Programmer Assistant, Programmer, Programmer Senior, Quality Measurement Analyst, Software Engineer, Software Quality Control Tester, Staff Accountant, Systems Analyst, Systems Analyst Senior, Systems Integrator, Systems Programmer, Systems Programmer Senior, Systems Support Specialist, Systems Support Specialist Senior, Tape Librarian, Technical Services Specialist, Technical Specialist, Technical Specialist Senior, Telecommunications Technician, UNIX Programmer, UNIX Programmer Senior, Voice Communications Coordinator, Voice Communications Specialist, Voice Wireless Communications Coordinator, Web Analyst, Web Site Designer, Web SEO Analyst, Wireless Coordinator, Word Processing Operator, and Word Processing Lead Operator.
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