Gender Gap Survey
According to our data:
- 13% of women say there is no glass ceiling in IT, compared to 34% of men who say no ceiling exists.
- 75% of women say female IT workers face different career challenges than their male counterparts, compared to just 55% of men who feel the same way.
- 16% of females say being a woman presents an advantage in the IT industry, compared to 28% of men who say it's an advantage.
- 15% of women in IT say they're equally compensated for their work compared to men, as opposed to 38% of males who say women are equally compensated.
- 84% of females in tech say the industry needs more women, compared to 67% of men who agree.
- 42% of women in tech say a role model/mentor is necessary for a successful career, up from 39% last year.
- 73% of females in IT say they've never had a mentor to support their career, up from 67% in 2010.
- 2% of women are satisfied with the progress of their tech career, up from 59% last year.
- 87% of female survey respondents would recommend a career in IT to a family member, compared to 81% of male survey participants.
- Career Satisfaction drivers for Women in IT:
- Being challenged (33%)
- Flexibility (21%)
- Compensation (20%)
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